Acrylic painting black and white



Acrylic painting in black and white, this sensual piece features a naked woman in a gentle pose with her head and shoulder visible, beautifully captured in smooth acrylic on board with monochromatic hues highlighting the subject’s curves.



Acrylic painting in black and white, this captivating piece showcases a naked woman in a gentle and sensual pose. The subject, with her head and shoulder visible, exudes a sense of intimacy and allure. The monochromatic palette of black and white highlights the curves and contours of the figure, adding to the sensual nature of the artwork. The use of acrylic on board allows for smooth and delicate brushwork, further enhancing the beauty of this painting. It is a stunning piece that will add a touch of sophistication to any art collection

Informazioni aggiuntive
Dimensioni 22 × 17 in


Acrilic painting


Horizontal painting

Rarity classifications

Release year




Painting on cardboard


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