Black and white woman painting



Introducing the black and white woman painting! This handmade oil paint-on-canvas beauty is aesthetically pleasing and beautifully crafted. It’s a perfect addition to any bedroom.

20 x 24 in
24 x 36 in
36 x 48 in


Looking for a unique, aesthetically pleasing, and beautifully crafted painting? Look no further than this black and white woman painting! Made with high-quality oil paint, this artwork is both aesthetically impeccable and beautifully crafted, making it a perfect addition to any home.

Experience the beauty of the female form with this original black-and-white woman painting, handmade with strong brush strokes. The striking contrast of black and white highlights the curves and contours of the figure, creating a bold and dramatic statement in any room

  • The painting is 100% hand-painted on canvas
  • we will leave an EXTRA 2-3 inches white border on the painting’s four sides for stretching or framing
  • You are purchasing a product that you will use for a lifetime.

It comes in different sizes:

  • Small 20x 24
  • Medium 24×36
  • Large 36×48

Actual colors may vary due to your monitor settings.

Informazioni aggiuntive
Dimensioni N/A

Oil Painting


Canvas painting

Rarity classifications



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Vertical art




Black and white art


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